Anteiku's Menu

This is Anteiku's current menu.

Name Price Description Personal Rating Picture
Espresso Americano
$2.50 Consists of a single or double-shot of espresso combined with up to four or five ounces of hot water in a two-demitasse cup 4.5
$2.50 Basically espresso served in a demitasse cup with a small amount of foamed milk on top 5
$3.50 Espresso mixed with hot or steamed milk 5
$3.50 A coffee drink that is typically composed of a single espresso shot and hot milk, topped with foamed milk. 4
French Power
$3.50 Dark roasted coffee that has a smoky sweetness and tends to have a charred taste 4
$4.00 A high quality type of coffee made from a specific coffee bean 3.5
Drip Coffee
$5.00 Coffee made by letting boiling water drip slowly through finely ground coffee 5
Extra Pump of Flavoring
50 ¢ An extra pump of flavoring for whatever your order is whether it be caramel white chocolate or something else 5

Note: The ratings are my personal ratings (: